[Research Press Release] "Polarizable H-bond Concept in Aromatic Poly(thiourea)s: Unprecedented High Refractive Index, Transmittance, and Degradability at Force to Enhance Lighting Efficiency"

A research team led by Professor Kenichi Oyaizu published the paper in Advanced Functional Materials on April 12, 2024.
For further reading, please see the link here: "Great Strides in the Development of High Refractive Index Polymers for Optoelectronics – Waseda University"

This paper is the result of a research collaboration between Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Waseda University. Prof. Rubén Costa, one of the co-authors from TUM, had stayed at Waseda University as a joint appointment professor in 2018. The first author, Dr. Seigo Watanabe, received his doctoral degree from Waseda University this March (2024) and is currently pursuing further reserach in collaboration with members of Prof. Costa's lab.