Student Experiences

Student Report: Study Abroad - University of Toronto (Ms. Nanae Kaneko)

Ms. Kaneko spent three months in the laboratory of Professor Arno Jacobsen at the University of Toronto, where she conducted numerical experiments and received guidance for writing a paper on "Model-based Analysis for Identifying Impacts of Factors Affecting on Electricity Consumption Gap in Covid-19: Case study in Germany".

金子さんは、3か月にわたりトロント大学のArno Jacobsen教授の研究室に滞在し、「コロナ禍におけるドイツの時別需要を利用した長期先電力需要モデリング」に関する論文執筆のための数値実験と指導を受けました。


Impressions you had, differences from Japan

Canada is an ethnically diverse country that accepts many immigrants, and students from various ethnic backgrounds were attending university. I found many international students in the research laboratories, where students from various backgrounds were working diligently together. I was able to lead a very safe and comfortable life, since Toronto is a safe city with good infrastructure that runs from early morning till late at night.


Cityscape: Toronto, Canada
Your experiences(fun, difficulties, etc.) 

My research activities often did not proceed as planned, since my stay was only three months and there was also a period of lockdown due toCOVID-19. On the other hand, I made an effort to interact with local students and enjoyed going to cafes and lunches on weekdays, and visiting board game cafes on holidays. I sometimes experiencedmiscommunicationwith others in both my daily and research life due to my lack of English skills, and this made mekeenlyaware ofmy lack of ability. Even then, I was frequently helped by the kind and gentle nature of Canadianpeople.


What youdid and achieved during thestay(including future plans (e.g., submission of papers))

Through practical trainingat the laboratory, I wasable to acquire knowledge on data collection sites and methods for collecting electricity demand data, economic information, weather information, and various other items in Germany and Canada.In addition, Ibuilta network with local students through e-mail communication and meetings. I willwrite a paper based on the data and numerical experiment results obtained in the practical trainingand submit it to an overseas journal. I plan tohave regular meetings with Professor Jacobsen and share information in preparation.


What you gainedfrom the experiences which willhelp you in the future (what you think you have grown)

This was myfirst time to stay abroad for along period of time, andI feel that living abroad and interacting with local students while attending a university was a very valuable and important experience.I also learned the importance of being proactive and communicating with people. I would like to make the most of my study abroad experience and actively engage in activities and research in Japan and abroad.



Thank you very much for supporting my study abroad program. While making the most of this experience, I would like to devote myself to research and contributeto solving the world's energy problem.
